Sunday, May 17, 2009

Need to Start Writing Again

Okay, life update. I'm still working at the University of Illinois at Springfield, and loving it! I run the Political Studies dept, and now the Global Studies dept, and the Public Affairs Reporting dept (one prof). But there is bigger news.

I have begun my Master's studies in English! I'm a year in, and also, mostly loving it. Never studied so much in my entire life. My causual, personal and creative writing has been sacrificed to the gods of homework, research, responsive writing and the reading of lit, some good and some a waste of time. I'm not taking any classes this summer, in an effort to read (my choices) and write (my stuff) again and recharge. Hope to spend significantly more time online and blogging, just stuff and reviews of books I'm devouring.

I'm an aunt . . . yes, again! This is number 4 blood, number 7 total, not counting the goddaughter. The new baby is Aubrey, and she is right at 4 months old. Now I have Jordan (15), Logan (8), Ragean (6) and Aubrey. She's marvelous, with dark hair like Logan and I, blue eyes like Raegan, and Jordan and Rick's face.

1 comment:

  1. anytime you spend writing online will be a blessing. i have missed your writing, your insights and your spiritual example.
