Thursday, September 24, 2009

Doing Literary Theory

I have begun a new blog focused on my new study of Literary Theory.  It is a complicated subject that I am having to gain a grip on, as part of my graduate studies, as it will be a large part of my research and teaching life once I become a professor.  Like most grad students in English today, I struggle with the importance of theory, and it's place in academic study, it's usefulness and what it's future place should be.

Literary theory brings up questions about what is "literature", what is the author's job, the reader's job, the critic's job.  What makes "literature"?  Is it excellent writing?  Is it reader involvement?  Is it "literary language"?  Where does meaning happen?  What is the purpose of literature, the value of writing and reading and specific works?

I hope you all will join me as I look at those questions, along with the answers posited by the various theorists.  I hope to translate the academic jargon into an easily understandable and absorbable form, so that everyone can be a part of the conversation.  It will also help me to solidify my own understanding of the theories and learn to pass them on in a useful way, as well as in my own attempt to formulate a workable, useful, more inclusive literary theory for going forward.  I will be adding a link in the sidebar here as well.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Fun Quiz - Expected Results

Your Reading Personality: Eclectic Reader!

Start quiz

You read for entertainment but also to expand your mind. You're open to new ideas and new writers, and are not wedded to a particular genre or limited range of authors.

Here's another

What Kind of Reader Are You?
Your Result: Obsessive-Compulsive Bookworm

You're probably in the final stages of a Ph.D. or otherwise finding a way to make your living out of reading. You are one of the literati. Other people's grammatical mistakes make you insane.

What Kind of Reader Are You?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Any Advice?

I'm wondering what is going on in my head lately. I'm inclined to chalk it up to plain old fear, but its more than that. I've picked up my novel and committed to starting in again. I let it go for over 6 months due to an insane class load in my Master's studies, and now its time to get back in gear. About a week ago, after a long talk with myself in my paper journal, I actually wrote out the commitment as a way of forcing myself to take action on it. Part of my hesitation was an uncertainty as to where to go with it.

I'm a character driven writer, and this novel evolved in a different way than any other. Soon, one person stepped forward and I became fascinated with her. Backstory came in bizarre, and sometimes overwhelming volume, and I know her story for the long haul. Thing is, I got to worrying over the lack of external conflict. Yeah, a lot is going on in her head, but will that fascinate anyone but me? There were four characters of note, all interesting, but again, the action seemed to be going in circles with little actual progression.

I've been on a study jag, picking up books on both the practice of writing, and on theory for my classes and such, some inspirational and some nuts and bolts stuff in the hopes of sparking something new. I've played with some exercises and now I'm finding new ideas and tangents that were obviously necessary but maddeningly AWOL before. It is going to mean some significant retooling of structure, down to the one novel is really at least three, because I was skipping over too much of the background, which was compelling. Without it, the reader just wouldn't care about Angel the way I do, and who wants to read about someone they don't care about?

All of this is positive, progress even in a stretched version of the word, but . . . And here is where I sat, stymied.

I have four huge notebooks full of writing for this novel (series of novels). And I was determined to push through a revision-less first draft. I wanted to get all the ideas and people onto the paper, all the scenes in my head and locations that I stumbled across in ink before I did any tinkering at all. But now, with these changes and additions, that just isn't feasible any more. There is too much on paper to remember all of what it is, and I'm going to introduce inconsistencies if I'm not very careful. So where does that leave me?

I have to stop and take the time to type all of material up, sorting it by scene, and tentatively now by novel, so that I have a clear idea of where I am, what I have, what I need and where to go to work. It's just that this process involves reading over my own work. I'm not good at that. I'm worried that the editor is going to kick into full gear and the creator is going to take a nap. I'm worried that what is on paper is really crap compared to what is in my head! (We all know it will be.) So, all this worrying has had one cumulative effect: nothing. Stalling. Cleaning my room for grief's sake! (One of my least favorite things to do, ever!) I've allowed other things to "come up" and prevent me from launching into what I know is the next step.

Today, I brought my laptop to work, and at lunch, I did it. I started typing. And some of it is indeed horrific! Some of it isn't bad at all. It's only three pages, but it is the most gripping moment that I could start with, and I have a hunch its the actuall beginning of the first novel. So, typing in process, and yes, I can't help but revise just a teeny bit as I go, fixing sentences that use the same word twice in different phrases, cleaning up some of the sloppy dialogue, etc. This is good. More progress.

Next step? First readers. Yeah, I managed to hold that off for a full 18 months, not even talking about the plot of the story to anyone. But I'm torn. Do I step out on the limb and let someone read the still very raw version, or wait and do a bit more polishing before I let anyone see it? I'm wanting some reassurance, really, that it is as gripping as I think it is, that someone else would indeed want to read more of the story. I have a couple people who I can trust to read it with sensitivity but honesty, the best possible mix for first readers, but still . . . I hesitate. Any advise from other writers out there?

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

How Things Do Change

It's been so long since I blogged regularly, I had nearly forgotten where I was in life when I still did! It occurred to me that a quick review might be in order, to help anyone who cares to know get up to speed.

Mama and I moved from our old home almost 3 years ago, to Springfield, Illinois, to be near my brother and his family. This meant leaving not only jobs but our church, as it is nearly an hour away. Huge changes were coming at Tab and it is a radically different place now than it was. Almost all of the staff has turned over, and not in congenial ways. I knew the atmosphere there was changing when we moved, but I didn't realize the exent of what was coming.

We attend a Christian church now, where my brother's family and his in-laws, as well as Jordan's family all go, and the kids attend their school. It's not exactly in line with my personal beliefs, but 1) what church is? and 2) we tried many others and nothing fit any better. I'm not teaching now, partially because of the difference in beliefs, and partially because that time is over.

Ecclesiastes 3

1To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

It was a friend of mine that woke me up to the idea that there is a season for everything to be finished as well. Never occurred to me! But I feel like that season in my life has passed. I have Jordan, turning 15 in two weeks, Logan -8, Raegan - 6 and now Aubrey - 5 months, to help guide and teach and support. I see them multiple times a week, and they need to be my main focus, not everyone else's kids. Also, it has become clear that I will be responsible for taking care of my Mama as she ages and weakens, as well as myself. My bro has all he can handle and more! I need to make sure I can provide for us both in the years to come. So . . .

Life now revolves around work at the University (administrator for Political Science and Global Studies programs), home and things helping Mama there, the kids' games, programs, recitals, babysitting, etc. and for the past year, school. I'm a Master's student, studying English, hoping to continue on eventually and be the Dr. Sentinel that Artharaja always said sounded so good. It's what I should have done immediately out of undergrad, but life intervened, and now it feels like I'm getting back on track. It's a tough road, and looks terribly long right now, but it can be done.

I am loving all the reading and the thinking and discussing big thoughts in classes and such. I'll probably be bringing more of that sort of thing here in the future. I'm also seriously working on a novel - about 1/2 to 3/4 way through a first draft, though it is expanding all the time. I may share some of what I'm investigating about writing and creativity and such here as well. In a way, it all feels very self-centered, but I know this is the season for it. I'm being prepared and entering a new phase of my life, and who knows what it will bring? Time to hold on and ride it out.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Concentrating on the Positive

My family has turned into Facebook zombies, thus dragging me along with them to be better connected to my nieces and nephew. Yes, I am a Farm Town drudge.

Thing is, I've reconnected with many of my college friends that I haven't had direct contact with for years, just who talked to who and what's going on stuff. So many of them have been doing the graduation dance, with kids graduating from high school and under. They are all married, families, etc. and the old fiance is still married to the chick he threw me over for (because a pastor/cult leader told him it was the will of God), and they have several kids as well. I'm still single, no kids, and facing early menopause, so there will be no children for me, no matter what God may have in store. I have a widowed mother with health issues that I live with and care for, my brother's children that I support and adore, and that's it. Started bumming me out in ENORMOUS ways this past couple weeks. Found myself signing off Facebook because I couldn't take it any more.

So, I decided to shake the pity party and look at where my life REALLY is. I'm taking care of my Mama, who has spent her life taking care of me. She does my laundry, most of the cooking, and serves as my personal cheerleader. I'm working in a University, with intelligent, interesting people and learning new things each and every day, enjoying my day to day job for the first time in nearly 20 years. I am on the morgage, so I am a homeowner, and right now, my credit is better than Mama's and I just paid off my last school loan. On top of that, my classes are all paid for - job perk!

I'm working on the Master's in English that I should have done right out of undergrad. I have plans in place to continue and get my Doctorate, all courtesy of the State thaqt is paying me to work every day as well. I'm reading and analysing and discussing literature in a way I haven't had in 20+ years, and loving it. I'm excelling in my classes, and have been asekd by one of last semester's professors to take a summer course and assist in leading discussions, and he will be writing a letter for my CV - curriculum vitae - academic equivelent of a resume, and all important. Seeing as I would like to eventually teach for the school I'm at, and I'm not even a fully declared Master's student there and being asked to assist with instructing - that is an opportunity I cannot afford to pass up. So, I will be taking one class this summer, but it is the first step in some documented, hands on experience in a college classroom.

I had a suspicion, all the way back in college, that I would not be getting married and raising a family. It was just a ghost of a certainty that I couldn't shake. If I was married, my mother would have had to move to an assisted living facility and be deeply unhappy. She coudlnt' have her own home, babysit her granddaughter, decorate her house as she has never had the opportunity to do, design a backyard garden she has never had the chance to do, and she is 65. My nieces and nephew run to me on sight, and can't get enough of time with Mama and I. I have college students in my office every day looking for support and advice and encouragement. I have brilliant professors who swear that the department would fall apart if I left today. They talk about life as pre-Stace and post-Stace.

No, I don't have what most of my friends have. But I have a lot that they won't ever know either. I'm finally back on track to become what I believe I was destined to be, an educator, an intellectual, an awesome aunt. Life ain't so bad, now is it?


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Need to Start Writing Again

Okay, life update. I'm still working at the University of Illinois at Springfield, and loving it! I run the Political Studies dept, and now the Global Studies dept, and the Public Affairs Reporting dept (one prof). But there is bigger news.

I have begun my Master's studies in English! I'm a year in, and also, mostly loving it. Never studied so much in my entire life. My causual, personal and creative writing has been sacrificed to the gods of homework, research, responsive writing and the reading of lit, some good and some a waste of time. I'm not taking any classes this summer, in an effort to read (my choices) and write (my stuff) again and recharge. Hope to spend significantly more time online and blogging, just stuff and reviews of books I'm devouring.

I'm an aunt . . . yes, again! This is number 4 blood, number 7 total, not counting the goddaughter. The new baby is Aubrey, and she is right at 4 months old. Now I have Jordan (15), Logan (8), Ragean (6) and Aubrey. She's marvelous, with dark hair like Logan and I, blue eyes like Raegan, and Jordan and Rick's face.